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Is It Difficult Getting Used To Dentures?

Dentures offer a great solution when replacing missing teeth. However, the very nature of their design also means they take some getting used to.

Unlike dental implants that get anchored into your jaw, dentures rest on top of the gum. This makes them a surgery-free option that doesn’t require any downtime. 

But it also means they don’t function like a natural tooth. Instead, you have a removable oral device, which can feel a little strange at first.

Dr. Daniel Park offers numerous tooth replacement options at Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental, including complete and partial dentures.

In this blog, Dr. Park explains what to expect when getting dentures and how to make the adjustment process as comfortable as possible.

Getting the right fit takes time

First, you may know that getting dental implants takes time since it involves oral surgery. However, it can take multiple appointments and several weeks to get dentures, too. 

Modern dentures get custom-made to fit your mouth, and you can’t rush this process. To ensure a comfortable and natural fit, Dr. Park takes highly accurate measurements and impressions to create your custom dentures. 

Then, over several appointments, Dr. Park has you come in to test them to check their color, shape, and fit.

Once complete, Dr. Park makes final adjustments, and you’re ready to start making your dentures part of your daily life.

Adjusting to your new dentures

Even when your dentures fit like a glove, it can still take a few weeks to get used to wearing them. However, Dr. Park has several strategies to help the process go smoothly.

1. Watch what you eat

For starters, give your mouth a break and take things as easy as possible with food. Dr. Park recommends choosing soft foods in the beginning that don’t require a lot of chewing, such as:

You should also take your time while eating, cut food into very small pieces, and chew on both sides of your mouth.

2. Practice makes perfect

The best things often take time. Fortunately, you can get results faster with practice, even wearing dentures.

It’s often a challenge becoming accustomed to how your lips, tongue, and cheeks feel when you have dentures in your mouth. That’s where practicing comes in.

Dr. Park suggests reading aloud and talking regularly when you get your new dentures. Listen closely and correct yourself when things don’t sound right. 

For better results, take your practice sessions up a notch and spend time looking in the mirror. Get accustomed to moving your teeth and lips by frowning and smiling or being happy and serious.

Practicing all of these behaviors in private can increase your confidence in public settings.

3. Experiment with adhesives

Last but not least, a small amount of denture adhesive, powder, and cream can go a long way in reducing gum irritation, especially in the early days. 

Dr. Park can offer guidance on the best denture adhesives, but you should experiment with different products to see which works best for you.

Remember, adhesives can significantly increase denture stability. However, they shouldn’t be a substitute for dentures that don’t fit properly.

If you feel like your dentures aren’t staying in place as expected, talk to Dr. Park about whether they need further adjustment.

Preparing for dentures

False teeth have existed for nearly 3,000 years, but modern advancements have made them better and more natural than ever. However, even the best dentures come with an adjustment period.

If you need teeth replaced, Dr. Park can guide you through your replacement options to ensure the process goes as smoothly and comfortably as possible.

Are you considering dentures? Contact Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental to schedule a consultation with Dr. Park in Beaumont, California, today.

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