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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Bad Breath

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Bad Breath

Are you constantly reaching for breath mints, gum, or mouthwash to mask bad breath? This common problem is often a sign of gum disease. And, if left untreated, it can cause more than mouth odor — it can also put your teeth and overall health at risk.

Daniel Park, DDS, has spent years treating jaw and gum conditions at Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental in Beaumont, California. In this blog, Dr. Park explains why you should never ignore bad breath.

Understanding the main cause of bad breath

Everyone experiences bad breath at some point. In fact, people often make jokes about “morning breath” or the lasting effects of a garlicky meal. However, if you have chronic bad breath, especially after brushing and flossing, it’s often a sign of gum — or periodontal — disease.

Gum disease occurs when bacteria build up in the mouth, which leads to inflammation and infection in the gum tissue. One common sign of this problem involves bad breath from odor-causing bacteria. 

Additional signs of gum disease include:

If you notice any of these symptoms, and they don’t respond to simple steps, such as improving your oral hygiene habits, you should see a dentist right away.

Why you shouldn’t ignore bad breath

Gum disease puts your gums, jaw bone, and teeth at risk, but it doesn’t stop there. It also increases your chances of developing other health complications, such as heart and respiratory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and problems controlling blood sugar. Unfortunately, nearly 50% of adults ages 30 and older have signs of this potentially serious condition.

Factors that put you at risk of developing periodontal disease include:

Fortunately, the easiest way to prevent and reverse the earliest signs of gum disease involves practicing good oral health habits and getting regular dental cleanings. And if your condition has progressed, Dr. Park can treat periodontal disease at all stages, even in its most advanced forms.

Treating gum disease

First, don’t wait to schedule an appointment if you have persistent bad breath or any other signs of gum disease. In the earliest stages, gum disease often responds to the least invasive procedures.

Common strategies for treating gum disease include:

However, more advanced cases of gum disease often require oral surgery to address tissue and bone loss. In any case, you have no need to worry, because Dr. Park can help you even if you have dental anxiety and fear.

Don’t ignore chronic bad breath, because it could be trying to tell you something. To get the help you need, call 951-845-2661 to book an appointment with Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental today.

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